

endaq.calc.filters.butterworth(df, low_cutoff=1.0, high_cutoff=None, half_order=3)

Apply a lowpass and/or a highpass Butterworth filter to an array.

This function uses Butterworth filter designs, and implements the filter(s) as bi-directional digital biquad filters, split into second-order sections.

  • df (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) – the input data; cutoff frequencies are relative to the timestamps in df.index

  • low_cutoff (Optional[float]) – the low-frequency cutoff, if any; frequencies below this value are rejected, and frequencies above this value are preserved

  • high_cutoff (Optional[float]) – the high-frequency cutoff, if any; frequencies above this value are rejected, and frequencies below this value are preserved

  • half_order (int) – half of the order of the filter; higher orders provide more aggressive stopband reduction


the filtered data

Return type


See also

SciPy Butterworth filter design Documentation for the butterworth filter design function.


endaq.calc.integrate.integrals(df, n=1, highpass_cutoff=None, tukey_percent=0)

Calculate n integrations of the given data.

  • df (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) – the data to integrate, indexed with timestamps

  • n (int) – the number of integrals to calculate

  • highpass_cutoff (Optional[float]) – the cutoff frequency for the initial highpass filter; this is used to remove artifacts caused by DC trends


a length n+1 list of the kth-order integrals from 0 to n (inclusive)

Return type


See also

SciPy trapezoid integration Documentation for the integration function used internally.

SciPy Butterworth filter design Documentation for the butterworth filter design function used in preprocessing.

SciPy Tukey window Documentation for the Tukey window function used in preprocessing.

endaq.calc.integrate.iter_integrals(df, highpass_cutoff=None, filter_half_order=3, tukey_percent=0)

Iterate over conditioned integrals of the given original data.

  • df (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) – the input data

  • highpass_cutoff (Optional[float]) – the cutoff frequency of a preconditioning highpass filter; if None, no filter is applied

  • filter_half_order (int) – the half-order of the preconditioning highpass filter, if used

  • tukey_percent (float) – the alpha parameter of a preconditioning tukey filter; if 0, no filter is applied


an iterable over the data’s successive integrals; the first item is the preconditioned input data

Return type


See also

SciPy trapezoid integration Documentation for the integration function used internally.

SciPy Butterworth filter design Documentation for the butterworth filter design function used in preprocessing.

SciPy Tukey window Documentation for the Tukey window function used in preprocessing.


endaq.calc.psd.differentiate(df, n=1)

Perform time-domain differentiation on periodogram data.

  • df (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) – a periodogram

  • n (float) – the time derivative order; negative orders represent integration


a periodogram of the time-derivated data

Return type


endaq.calc.psd.to_jagged(df, freq_splits, agg='mean')

Calculate a periodogram over non-uniformly spaced frequency bins.

  • df (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) – the returned values from endaq.calc.psd.welch

  • freq_splits (numpy.array) – the boundaries of the frequency bins; must be strictly increasing

  • agg (Union[Literal['mean', 'sum'], Callable[[numpy.ndarray, int], float]]) – the method for aggregating values into bins; ‘mean’ preserves the PSD’s area-under-the-curve, ‘sum’ preserves the PSD’s “energy”


a periodogram with the given frequency spacing

Return type


endaq.calc.psd.to_octave(df, fstart=1, octave_bins=12, **kwargs)

Calculate a periodogram over log-spaced frequency bins.

  • df (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) – the returned values from endaq.calc.psd.welch

  • fstart (float) – the first frequency bin, in Hz; defaults to 1 Hz

  • octave_bins (float) – the number of frequency bins in each octave; defaults to 12

  • kwargs – other parameters to pass directly to to_jagged


a periodogram with the given logarithmic frequency spacing

Return type


endaq.calc.psd.vc_curves(accel_psd, fstart=1, octave_bins=12)

Calculate Vibration Criterion (VC) curves from an acceration periodogram.

  • accel_psd (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) – a periodogram of the input acceleration

  • fstart (float) – the first frequency bin

  • octave_bins (float) – the number of frequency bins in each octave; defaults to 12


the Vibration Criterion (VC) curve of the input acceleration

Return type


endaq.calc.psd.welch(df, bin_width=1, **kwargs)

Perform scipy.signal.welch with a specified frequency spacing.

  • df (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) – the input data

  • bin_width (float) – the desired width of the resulting frequency bins, in Hz; defaults to 1 Hz

  • kwargs – other parameters to pass directly to scipy.signal.welch


a periodogram

Return type


See also

SciPy Welch’s method Documentation for the periodogram function wrapped internally.


endaq.calc.shock.abs_accel(accel, omega, damp=0.0)

Calculate the absolute acceleration for a SDOF system.

The “absolute acceleration” follows the transfer function:

H(s) = L{x”(t)}(s) / L{y”(t)}(s) = X(s)/Y(s)

for the PDE:

x” + (2ζω)x’ + (ω²)x = (2ζω)y’ + (ω²)y

  • accel (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) – the absolute acceleration y”

  • omega (float) – the natural frequency ω of the SDOF system

  • damp (float) – the damping coefficient ζ of the SDOF system


the absolute acceleration x” of the SDOF system

Return type


See also

An Introduction To The Shock Response Spectrum, Tom Irvine, 9 July 2012

SciPy transfer functions Documentation for the transfer function class used to characterize the relative displacement calculation.

SciPy biquad filter Documentation for the biquad function used to implement the transfer function.

endaq.calc.shock.enveloping_half_sine(pvss, damp=0.0)

Characterize a half-sine pulse whose PVSS envelopes the input.

  • pvss (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) – the PVSS to envelope

  • damp (float) – the damping factor used to generate the input PVSS


a tuple of amplitudes and periods, each pair of which describes a half-sine pulse

Return type

Tuple[pandas.core.series.Series, pandas.core.series.Series]

endaq.calc.shock.rel_displ(accel, omega, damp=0.0)

Calculate the relative displacement for a SDOF system.

The “relative” displacement follows the transfer function:

H(s) = L{z(t)}(s) / L{y”(t)}(s) = (1/s²)(Z(s)/Y(s))

for the PDE:

z” + (2ζω)z’ + (ω²)z = -y”

  • accel (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) – the absolute acceleration y”

  • omega (float) – the natural frequency ω of the SDOF system

  • damp (float) – the damping coefficient ζ of the SDOF system


the relative displacement z of the SDOF system

Return type


See also

Pseudo Velocity Shock Spectrum Rules For Analysis Of Mechanical Shock, Howard A. Gaberson

SciPy transfer functions Documentation for the transfer function class used to characterize the relative displacement calculation.

SciPy biquad filter Documentation for the biquad function used to implement the transfer function.

endaq.calc.shock.shock_spectrum(accel, freqs, damp=0.0, mode='srs', two_sided=False, aggregate_axes=False)

Calculate the shock spectrum of an acceleration signal.

  • accel (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) – the absolute acceleration y”

  • freqs (numpy.ndarray) – the natural frequencies across which to calculate the spectrum

  • damp (float) – the damping coefficient ζ, related to the Q-factor by ζ = 1/(2Q); defaults to 0

  • mode (Literal['srs', 'pvss']) –

    the type of spectrum to calculate:

    • 'srs' (default) specifies the Shock Response Spectrum (SRS)

    • 'pvss' specifies the Pseudo-Velocity Shock Spectrum (PVSS)

  • two_sided (bool) – whether to return for each frequency: both the maximum negative and positive shocks (True), or simply the maximum absolute shock (False; default)

  • aggregate_axes (bool) – whether to calculate the column-wise resultant (True) or calculate spectra along each column independently (False; default)


the shock spectrum

Return type


See also

Pseudo Velocity Shock Spectrum Rules For Analysis Of Mechanical Shock, Howard A. Gaberson

An Introduction To The Shock Response Spectrum, Tom Irvine, 9 July 2012

SciPy transfer functions Documentation for the transfer function class used to characterize the relative displacement calculation.

SciPy biquad filter Documentation for the biquad function used to implement the transfer function.


endaq.calc.stats.L2_norm(array, axis=None, keepdims=False)

Compute the L2 norm (a.k.a. the Euclidean Norm).

  • array (np.ndarray) – the input array

  • axis (Union[None, typing.SupportsIndex, Sequence[typing.SupportsIndex]]) – the axis/axes along which to aggregate; if None, the L2 norm is computed along the flattened array

  • keepdims (bool) – if True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one; if False (default), the reduced axes are removed


an array containing the computed values

Return type


endaq.calc.stats.max_abs(array, axis=None, keepdims=False)

Compute the maximum of the absolute value of an array.

This function should be equivalent to, but generally use less memory than np.amax(np.abs(array)).

Specifically, it generates the absolute-value maximum from np.amax(array) and -np.amin(array). Thus instead of allocating space for the intermediate array np.abs(array), it allocates for the axis-collapsed smaller arrays np.amax(array) & np.amin(array).

Note - this method does not work on complex-valued arrays.

  • array (np.ndarray) – the input data

  • axis (Union[None, typing.SupportsIndex, Sequence[typing.SupportsIndex]]) – the axis/axes along which to aggregate; if None, the absolute maximum is computed along the flattened array

  • keepdims (bool) – if True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one; if False (default), the reduced axes are removed


an array containing the computed values

Return type


endaq.calc.stats.rms(array, axis=None, keepdims=False)

Calculate the root-mean-square (RMS) along a given axis.

  • array (np.ndarray) – the input array

  • axis (Union[None, typing.SupportsIndex, Sequence[typing.SupportsIndex]]) – the axis/axes along which to aggregate; if None, the RMS is computed along the flattened array

  • keepdims (bool) – if True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one; if False (default), the reduced axes are removed


an array containing the computed values

Return type


endaq.calc.stats.rolling_rms(df, window_len, *args, **kwargs)

Calculate a rolling root-mean-square (RMS) over a pandas DataFrame.

This function is equivalent to, but computationally faster than the following:

  • df (Union[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, pandas.core.series.Series]) – the input data

  • window_len (int) – the length of the rolling window

  • args – the positional arguments to pass into df.rolling().mean

  • kwargs – the keyword arguments to pass into df.rolling().mean


the rolling-windowed RMS

Return type

Union[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, pandas.core.series.Series]

See also

Pandas Rolling Mean method Pandas Rolling Standard Deviation method - similar to this function, but first removes the windowed mean before squaring


endaq.calc.utils.logfreqs(df, init_freq=None, bins_per_octave=12)

Calculate a sequence of log-spaced frequencies for a given dataframe.

  • df (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) – the input data

  • init_freq (Optional[float]) – the initial frequency in the sequence; if None (default), use the frequency corresponding to the data’s duration

  • bins_per_octave (float) – the number of frequencies per octave


an array of log-spaced frequencies

Return type


endaq.calc.utils.resample(df, sample_rate=None)

Resample a dataframe to a desired sample rate (in Hz)

  • df (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) – The DataFrame to resample, indexed by time

  • sample_rate (Optional[float]) – The desired sample rate to resample the given data to. If one is not supplied, then it will use the same as it currently does, but make the time stamps uniformally spaced


The resampled data in a DataFrame

Return type


endaq.calc.utils.sample_spacing(df, convert='to_seconds')

Calculate the average spacing between individual samples.

For time indices, this calculates the sampling period dt.

  • df (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) – the input data

  • convert (Literal[None, 'to_seconds']) – if “to_seconds” (default), convert any time objects into floating-point seconds

endaq.calc.utils.to_dB(data, reference, squared=False)

Scale data into units of decibels.

Decibels are a log-scaled ratio of some value against a reference; typically this is expressed as follows:


By convention, “decibel” units tend to operate on units of power. For units that are proportional to power when squared (e.g., volts, amps, pressure, etc.), their “decibel” representation is typically doubled (i.e., dB=10log20(...)). Users can specify which scaling to use with the squared parameter.


Decibels can NOT be calculated from negative values.

For example, to calculate dB on arbitrary time-series data, typically data is first aggregated via a total or a rolling RMS or PSD, and the non-negative result is then scaled into decibels.

  • data (numpy.ndarray) – the input data

  • reference (float) – the reference value corresponding to 0dB

  • squared (bool) – whether the input data & reference value are pre-squared; defaults to False